Flowchart in C


Flowchart: The Graphical representation of any program is called flowchart.

A flowchart is a diagrammatic representation of an algorithm.

The process of drawing a flowchart for an algorithm is known as "flowcharting."


There are some standard Graphics that are used in flowchart as following:-

     Draw a flowchart to check whether number is positive or negative.


           Advantages of flow charts:-

1.      It represents the data flow.

2.     It provides a clear overview of the entire program.

3.      It helps in the debugging Process.

4.     It provides documentation of a process.

             Disadvantages of flow charts:-

1.      Flow charts are time consuming.

2.      It is difficult to draw the proper symbols.

3.      If modifications are required, then flowchart may require re-drawing completely. 





1.     Algorithm is step by step

Procedure to solve the problem.

2.     Algorithm is complex to understand.

3.     In algorithm plain text are used.


4.     Algorithm is difficult to construct.

5.     Algorithm does not follow any rules.

6.     Easy to debug errors.

7.     It is difficult to make algorithm as compare to flow chart.


8.     Example

  step 1 start

   step 2 let Number1 = 2,                                            Number2=3



            step 4 Print Sum

             step 5 stop


1.     It is graphical representation of an algorithm

2.     Flowchart easy to understand.


3.     In flow chart symbol/shapes are used.

4.     Flow chart is simple to construct.


5.     Flow chart follows  rules to be constructed.

6.     Difficult to debug errors.

7.     It is easy to make flow chart



8.     Example




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